Marché transfrontalier du travail et Reseau des services pour l’Emploi
What is MA.R.E.?
The aim of the ‘MArché transfrontalier du travail et Réseau des services pour l’Emploi’ project is to create services to support supply and demand in the cross-border labour market, especially in the employment services network, in defining joint professional profiles and skills validation processes.
Phase 2019-2022
€ 760,300.79
Implement joint, integrated services to support supply and demand in cross-border priority supply chains;
Test the approach with pilot actions;
Strengthen cross-border mobility;
Define joint training profiles to meet the needs of the priority supply chains.
The cross-border labour market: context and monitoring.
Conduct a public survey of the labour market in the cross-border area.
Build an internal monitoring system.
Set up a Cross-border Network for employment services (under the responsibility of Aspal).
Create a network of systematic collaboration for employment services in the area of the Maritime programme.
Launch the network and encourage local employment offices to take part in it.
Organise a contest to identify the cross-border model of the Days of the Seafarer (Ideathon – Bastia (FR) October 2021).
Conduct a survey on the impact Covid has had on the labour market and the provision of services.
Cross-border integration of employment services.
Carry out a thorough analysis of employment services.
Draw up a guide to the cross-border nature of employment services.
Activate pilot projects.
Joint professional and training profiles.
Prepare a handbook with joint cross-border professional profiles and define related training courses.
Test training courses for shared professional profiles (pilot projects).
Homogenisation of a skills validation system in the priority supply chains.
Test a shared cross-border skills validation model (pilot projects).
Connect with other cross-border mobility projects and set up an online platform where experiences and products can be shared.
Interreg VA Italy – France ‘Maritime’ Programme 2014 – 2020
European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Territorial Cooperation programme in Italy and France
In Sardinia:
- operators at ASPAL employment offices are more informed of the possibilities of collaborating with the public employment services of the five regions taking part in the project;
- stakeholders/organisations are more aware of the benefits of belonging to a cross-border network when providing employment services;
- companies are more aware of the services available to them at ASPAL employment offices.
Project in collaboration with

Région Sud – VAR
- You want to join a cross-border network of employment services;
- You want to find out about and use the business support services provided by ASPAL employment offices;
- You want to promote a single system for skills validation.