Med Mobility
Mobility across the Mediterranean Sea
What is Med Mobility?
The Mobility Across the Mediterranean Sea project is intended to strengthen the labour market and cross-border mobility for secondary school students and unemployed school leavers in Tuscany, Sardinia and the Région Sud in France.
Phase 2019-2021
€ 36.060
Support employment mobility through virtual cross-border mobility, the boosting of information and consultancy services and the preparation and testing of joint training;
Strengthen the cross-border labour market in the priority supply chains linked to blue and green growth;
Activate joint services to facilitate the meeting of supply and demand and encourage student mobility in order to integrate the cross-border market in the blue and green supply chains;
Create programmes for virtual mobility of joint profiles to meet the needs of companies in the cross-border supply chains and revive traditional professions;
Make the most of the individual vocations of the beneficiaries, providing added value in personal training, teaching them about other kinds of businesses and employment prospects after their secondary school diploma. This is all aimed at promoting job mobility in the young generations and at creating the conditions for the integration of the cross-border labour market.
The project consists of:
- Organisation of capacity building webinars for employment office workers and presentation of the project and involvement of Sardinian companies in the green and blue sectors.
- Publication of the call for those interested in attending the orientation and training course on cross-border mobility.
- Identification of beneficiaries and start of project.
- 21 individual orientation interviews held by employment office advisors.
- 5 orientation seminars held by employment office advisors.
- Training on the TRIO e-learning platform of the Tuscany Region.
- Virtual study visits to French companies in the blue and green supply chains.
- Preparatory meeting.
- Online session with entrepreneurs.
- Follow-up and feedback meeting.
- Participation in the “Technical round table for mobility operators”, a two-day online workshop where operators can share experiences and come up with solutions for all.
Interreg VA Italy – France ‘Maritime’ Programme 2014 – 2020
European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Territorial Cooperation programme in Italy and France
21 beneficiaries were given cross-border mobility orientation by employment office workers through individual interviews.
14 beneficiaries took part in mobility and job seeking orientation seminars held by employment office advisors.
5 beneficiaries completed the French language and soft skills training course on the TRIO e-learning platform of the Tuscany Region.
12 beneficiaries completed the virtual study visits phase, connecting with French entrepreneurs in the green and blue supply chains.
12 beneficiaries obtained Europass certification after taking part in the virtual study visits.
33 employment office workers received information about the instruments available to support cross-border mobility and their use in Tuscany and Région Sud (FR).
80 companies received information about the opportunities for company growth and development thanks to cross-border mobility.
The project had to be scaled down due to the COVID 19 pandemic and the beneficiaries and operators were unable to experience mobility in person, which had been the original intention of the project. The activities in the project, however, were presented in a different format to ensure they had an effective and positive effect on the beneficiaries (people and specific contexts in the reference areas). A new model of virtual mobility and validation of the skills acquired by the beneficiaries was tried out and could potentially be used (even in hybrid form) in post-Covid times.
Project in collaboration with

Région Sud
- You want to learn about foreign companies;
- You want to experience cross-border mobility.