
Self-empowerment motivational programme

What is Steps?

Held in partnership with the Pacific Institute of Dublin, Steps is an orientation programme to help you find the determination you need to embark on a new professional career or re-enter the world of work. The project offers insights on how to see yourself from a different perspective, improve your self-confidence and recognise your skills.

Who is Steps intended for?

The programme is intended for anyone looking for their first job or workers wanting to start a new business. Participants are divided into groups of 20/25 and invited to attend a three-day seminar held by Michael Ostinelli, the Irish director of the Pacific Institute.

Total budget

Phase 2011 - 2014
€ 20.000,00


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  • Experiment and adapt a good practice used widely in Irish employment offices to Sardinia;

  • Provide an orientation tool for visitors to employment offices;

  • Raise the qualifications of workers in employment offices, introducing the figure of the facilitator of the Steps motivational programme;

  • Raise the quality of employment services.

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Commitment made with Resolution no. 1588/ARL  of 01/10/2013 - UPB  03033 Cap. S03.03.007 and residual commitment made with Resolution no. 344/ARL of 04.04.2012

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  • 200 participants attended seminars (employment office users and workers).

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Project in collaboration with

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Active since


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You may be interested in this project if
  • You want to find your ideal job;
  • You want to embark on a new career;
  • You are looking for inspiration and personal motivation.
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Francesca Pasini

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