Training paths for the labour insertion of rural women in sectors with more male presence.
Equijobs is a two-year project whose aim is to increase the number of women employed in sectors which are still ‘hostile’ to them, designing tailor-made training pathways which help them develop the skills they need. More precisely, the project supports a gender approach to local development, with a special focus on female professions in rural settings.
€ 322.543,00
Increase the participation of women in the rural economy through their job placement;
Support the appeal of rural areas and check migratory and depopulation phenomena;
Support women’s job placement through vocational qualification, especially in those trades with strong cultural barriers and gender stereotypes;
Promote and support the entrepreneurial spirit of rural women;
Implement pilot training paths in sectors with a mainly male presence, with the aim of supplementing the vocational training supply.
Study of the job opportunities of rural women in sectors with a mainly male presence, with specific focus on trades and professions where it would be easier to place women;
Transfer and acquisition of good practices tested in other projects (Dulcinea and Routes);
Identification and analysis of good practices tested on similar targets and sectors;
Analysis of the training needs of rural women in the predominately male sectors;
Adaptation of content and chosen training formats, taking into account the target and reference sectors;
In every partner region, a pilot action to experiment and validate the chosen training pathways in order to assess them and make any necessary adjustments.
EU grant – Leonardo da Vinci “Innovation Transfer Measures” approved within the LLP (Lifelong Learning Programme) framework.
A report was drawn up on the job opportunities for women in Europe and the breaking down of social and cultural barriers;
Good practices in the professional training of women in the identified sectors were gathered and catalogued;
The training needs of rural European women in predominately male sectors were analysed and research carried out to understand where it would be possible to place women;
The content and training pathways in the identified sectors were developed;
A specific methodology for rural women was studied and developed;
A pilot action was implemented in the partner regions, thanks to which 105 women were trained in the identified sectors.
The project helped improve training and raise the professional qualifications of women, especially rural women, and helped reduce the gender gap in the labour market, focusing on sectors which are still ‘hostile’ to women.
Project in collaboration with

- You want to increase female employment in rural professions;
- You want to prevent depopulation in the rural areas of the regions involved;
- You want to promote women’s entrepreneurial spirit in rural settings.