Master And Back
What is Master and Back?
It is a study programme that gives young Sardinian graduates the chance to grow. With Master and Back, they can apply for scholarships to attend master’s degree courses at universities outside their region - in Italy and abroad - and then put the skills they acquire during the course into practice when they get back to Sardinia.
Phase 2018 - 2020
€ 4,250,000.00
Previous phases (2005-2013):
€ 195,000,000.00
Improve the human capital of young people through mobility programmes, raising their level of learning and training;
Train people with special skills to boost the development and economic growth of the region;
Heighten the competitiveness of the Sardinian region;
Increase stable and qualified employment.
The Master and Back programme is divided into two parts:
Higher education: young, promising Sardinian graduates can apply for scholarships to attend advanced postgraduate courses outside their region. The aim is to raise the level of the education and training of human capital and improve the skills levels and usability of their qualifications when they return to Sardinia. More precisely, the programme aims to increase the number of people attending university and/or equivalent higher education and their success, thus increasing the number of young people who can take advantage of postgraduate courses.
Back: The aim of the Back phase is to find better jobs for specialised graduates and give the companies who take them on the chance to develop and grow, broadening their horizons and improving their performance and competitiveness in their sector.
Phase 2018-2020
AXIS III- Education and training - Specific objective 10.5 Raising skills levels, participation and success at university and/or equivalent. Action 10.5.12 POR FSE 2014-2020.
Previous phases (2005 -2013)
POR FSE 2000-2006 and 2007-2013
Phase 2018-2020
Previous phases (2005-2013)
The following results were achieved from 2005 to 2013:
Approx. 4,000 courses attended outside Sardinia
Approx. 2,000 programmes on their return
The Master and Back programme has given its beneficiaries the opportunity to develop new skills and improve their existing ones, successfully taking part in higher education courses outside Sardinia. It has also helped participants find jobs at the end of the programme.
The project is in line with European directives on youth mobility, as it promotes the exchange of experiences and comparisons with universities and cultural institutes other than those in Sardinia. The ultimate aim is to enrich the region not only with the expertise acquired during the postgraduate courses but also with all the other soft skills (languages, relations, culture).

- You want to expand your knowledge;
- You want to have an educational experience outside your region.