Progetti in evidenza
Progetti in evidenza
- Career Guidance
- Entrepreneurs
- Food worker
- Giovani laureati sardi
- Giovani Laureati Sardi Under 35
- Giovani Sardi
- Graduates
- Imprese
- Institutions
- Madrelingua provenienti dagli USA
- RAS employees
- Secondary school students
- Startup
- Students of nautical institutes
- Teachers
- Unemployed
- University students
- Women
- Workers employment offices
- (-) Workers employment services
- Young people
- ASPAL - Agenzia Sarda per le Politiche Attive del Lavoro
- Fh Joanneum University of Applied Sciences (Austria)
- IAB - Regional Direction Bavaria of the Federal Agency for Labour (Germania)
- Ilfov County Council (Romania)
- InnoPark Schweiz (Svizzera)
- La Rioja – Servicio Riodano de Empleo (Spagna)
- Provincia di Oristano
- Provincia di Sassari
- Regional Development Center (Slovenia)
- University Enterprise Training Partnership of the Region of Murcia (Spagna)
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