Services Renforcés pour l’emploi dans le secteur du nautisme
What is SE.RE.NA?
The aim of the SE.RE.NA project is to boost employment in the nautical sector and its supply chain by developing instruments and methodologies shared by all the PES in the area of cooperation. The project enhances and systematises resources, strategies, technologies and tools for local training and employment services.
Total budget
€ 1,500,000.00
- Create a physical (info points) and virtual (website) cross-border network for employment services.
- Create a cross-border network of training centres offering advanced technological courses in the nautical sector.
- Foster institutional cohesion and joint policies as regards work, training and education by experimenting and capitalising.
Creation of a cross-border network of training centres offering advanced technological courses in the nautical sector with:
- modular education, relating to all three macro areas in the nautical supply chain (production, refitting, dry berthing and sailing).
- Advanced training courses in the area of cooperation.
- The development of highly qualified and specialised skills in line with the “lifelong learning” and “new skills for new and better jobs” objectives of the Agenda 2020 for Europe.
Italy – France ‘Maritime’ Programme 2007 – 2013
Axis IV - Integration of resources and services.
- Mapping of businesses in the nautical sector in the area of cooperation;
- Report of sector analysis and research focusing on the educational and professional needs of businesses;
- Archive of professional profiles divided into skills useful to the area of cooperation;
- Database of sectorial skills;
- Gap analysis software;
- Training at employment offices;
- Software orientation pathways;
- Agreements with training system to hold training modules which can be attended throughout the area of cooperation;
- Web platform for PES to network in the area of cooperation;
- Workshops run by PES staff in the area of cooperation;
- Workshops for stakeholders in the area of cooperation;
- Conferences and round tables with testimonies from EU institutions;
- Communication and information plan (strategy and tools).
Project in collaboration with

project status
Active since
You may be interested in this project if
- You want to increase job opportunities in the nautical sector;
- You want to bring unemployment down in cross-border areas;
- You want to develop an effective communication network between PES in the area of cooperation.
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