System for innovative tourism in the northern Mediterranean area

What is SIS.T.INA?

The aim of the SIS.T.INA project is to develop ideas and solutions to seasonally adjust tourism and increase the length of the time tourists spend in the cross-border area. Its intent is to give the countries in question the instruments, services and integrated systems they need to take full advantage of the attractions in the cross-border area.

Total budget

€ 937.744,30

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  • Create new thematic tourism products which include all the attraction resources in the area;

  • Foster structural cooperation between stakeholders in the tourism sector in local and cross-border areas;

  • Make management of tourist flows more sustainable and increase the length of the average visitor stay.

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  • Analyse the current situation and tourist offering in the areas;

  • Hold webinars on tourism marketing and digital communication for businesses;

  • Come up with new products and integrated tourist packages to raise awareness of areas, other than seaside resorts, which are, as yet, relatively unknown but have great potential due to their nature, culture, food and wine;

  • Develop a marketing strategy and a communication campaign on different media;

  • Introduce integrated promotion aimed at companies in the cross-border tourism sector (blogger houses, international trade fairs, etc.);

  • Set up a cross-border tourism network to strengthen and structure interactive and cooperative links.

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Interreg VA Italy – France ‘Maritime’ Programme 2014 – 2020

European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Territorial Cooperation programme in Italy and France

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  • A catalogue of cross-border tourist packages based on the primary product lines of Pleasure Boats, Sea&Land, Itineraries, Bike, Food&Wine, Itineraries&Cooking Classes and Wellbeing.

  • 261 workers in the tourism sector received training in tourism marketing and digital communication.

    • 124 in Sardinia

    • 51 in Liguria

    • 26 in Région Sud PACA

    • 18 in Coastal Tuscany

    • 9 in Corsica

    • 33 from other regions in Italy and France

  • 200 French and Italian users received training in competition in international tourism.

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The benefits ASPAL has gained from taking part in this project undoubtedly include the opportunity to connect with and be closer to manufacturers/entrepreneurs and to capitalise on cross-border and tourist projects which had already been carried out. Companies in Sardinia, as well as those in the area of cooperation, have the chance to grow both their human capital and visibility and this has a positive impact on employment and the economic fabric.

Project in collaboration with

Project Leader

Spezia Euroinformazione, Promozione e Sviluppo

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Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de la Haute-Corse (BASTIA)

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Groupement d'interet Public puor la Formation e l'Insertion Profesionelle de l'Academie de Nice

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project status
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Active since










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You may be interested in this project if
  • You want to start your own tourist business;
  • You want to work with the other tourist businesses in the cross-border area;
  • You want to find new ways of increasing the length of time tourists stay and attractions.

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