Services to develop tourism in inland Mediterranean areas.
Che cos’è VIVIMED?
The VIVIMED project involves countries in the cross-border area and its aim is to build innovative strategies together to develop sustainable tourism and promote the authenticity, culture, environment and production of the project area.
The aim of the programme is to create a network of dynamic and informed players, companies (especially SMEs) in the tourism, agricultural, building, energy and industrial sectors, as well as associations and public institutions who operate in the inland areas of the area of cooperation.
€ 1.380.925,31
Enhance the ecotourism offering and make it more competitive in the area of cooperation, also through innovative services;
Foster good practices and eco-compatibility when building and managing tourist products and services;
Grow the professional skills of the businesses in the sector and stimulate networking.
The Vivimed project was divided into three main activities:
Development of a cross-border governance model for sustainable and innovative tourism. This model was developed by means of:
A multi-criteria territorial analysis for each pilot area;
An incentive plan to incentivize the revival of historical and rural settlements for tourists;
A cross-border memorandum of intent to promote the system.
Development of innovative strategies to support sustainable tourism with special focus on the eco-compatibility of services and hospitality.
Activation of local pathways to stimulate tourism co-planning by local stakeholders and the development of business networks.
VIVIMED introduced an innovative participatory methodology in all its aspects:
Territorial living labs, an interactive working method to generate synergy between all the players in the area;
Seminars, workshops and B2B sessions to stimulate discussion and debate between SMEs and develop new business opportunities through sustainable tourism;
Scouting and coaching for businesses to monitor the creation of business networks and innovative tourism services in the area.
Interreg VA Italy – France ‘Maritime’ Programme 2014 – 2020
European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Territorial Cooperation programme in Italy and France
360 businesses, 77 associations, 92 municipalities and territorial organisations are now more aware of the opportunities for ecotourism and are more involved in the process thanks to:
51 living labs;
5 cross-border workshops;
62 team coaching and individual business coaching sessions.
In particular, in Sardinia:
1 workshop (April 2019);
21 ecotourism living labs with 164 participants;
41 team and business coaching meetings;
3 days of cross-experimentation.
The ViviMed project entered into collaboration and synergy with the PROMETEA project, which was also funded as part of the 1st Call for the Italy-France ‘Maritime’ programme.
Project in collaboration with

- You want to develop innovative services in the cross-border area;
- You want to grow the professional skills of tourism businesses;
- You want to promote inland cross-border areas.