
Organise and Promote Energies to Relaunch Business

What is O.P.E.R.A.?

The aim of the O.P.E.R.A. project is to develop and strengthen employment in cross-border areas hit by industrial, economic and/or social crisis, by activating services (spin-offs, management/workers buyouts, etc.) to help find new jobs for workers displaced from companies in difficulty. In particular displaced workers from the areas of Villacidro and the metropolitan area of Cagliari.

Total budget

€ 1.994.280,15

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  • Define and structure services and models of intervention, thanks to the competencies of the cross-border network, to begin the relocation process for workers who have been displaced from the supply chains of innovative and sustainable tourism, renewable energies and biotechnologies;

  • Design, create and implement instruments to help new businesses (spin-offs, management/workers buyouts) manage workers out of a job due to industrial crises;

  • Test and start relocation processes to inform and educate potential beneficiaries about the available services and opportunities.

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  • Creation and definition of models of intervention by preparing a strategic document for the employment and relocation of displaced workers;

  • Compilation of a database containing the human and structural resources available as a result of the crisis;

  • Analysis and document research;

  • Opening and management of local help desks;

  • Managerial training activities;

  • Planning and business plan workshop.

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Interreg VA Italy – France ‘Maritime’ Programme 2014 – 2020.

European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Territorial Cooperation programme in Italy and France.

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The main results achieved in Sardinia, also thanks to the collaboration with the local Antenna (info and help points) of the partner Arcoss, are as follows:

  • 13 O.P.E.R.A. help desks opened at ASPAL employment offices and local Arcoss Antenna (info and help points);

  • 78 initial contacts (people who had never visited an ASPAL employment office or local Arcoss Antenna info and help point);

  • 34 urban development programmes;

  • 39 orientation meetings held;

  • 12 business plans drawn up;

  • 11 new cooperatives set up;

  • 13 workers supported in their relocation;

  • 23 events and seminars held in the area, involving 683 beneficiaries.



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The O.P.E.R.A. project was an opportunity to test collaboration between public (ASPAL) and private (ARCOSS) service providers and the results were positive. The opening of O.P.E.R.A. help desks in the project area at ASPAL employment offices and local Arcoss Antenna info and help points led to joint management of users and this led to good results in terms of initial contacts and support in setting up businesses and/or managing relocations.

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Active since









Région Sud - Var Alpe Cote Azur

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You may be interested in this project if
  • You want to improve services for the unemployed;
  • You want to strengthen the cross-border network;
  • You want to create new job opportunities in crisis-hit areas.

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