Career Guidance for Companies
What is Skills4jobs?
The aim of the Skills4jobs project is to redefine the role of career guidance - or counsellors - and understand the new competencies and tasks needed to face the challenges of society and employment. Career guidance must be able to connect, in a rational and propositional manner, supply and demand on the labour market and provide businesses with consultancy services to help them update their skills.
€ 176.966,37
Redefine the profile of a counsellor so they can help bring together company managers, social workers, public authorities and training centres;
Help redefine regulations that update the counsellor’s functions and profile – both in the field of education and work – to identify the new skills needed;
Help redefine the primary and basic services of public employment services by redefining the new skills required by counsellors;
Help redirect the workforce towards sustainable and growing activities, sectors and companies, for example emerging sectors such as the green economy, health, ICT;
Help improve the socio-labour situation of more vulnerable groups (youngsters, women, minorities, older workers) by improving the quality of the counsellor’s intervention;
Promote the dissemination of information and experiences gained in orientation and professional capacity activities both on a European (Euroguidance, Elgpn, Cedefop, Eurofound, European Councils of Sectorial Capacities) and national level (Cnrop, Isfol, Istat, Coordination of Regions, Ministry of Labour and Social Policies).
The project involves:
Conducting a comparative study of guidance services and the new skills required by counsellors;
Organising meetings amongst project partners;
Informative seminars in different European cities.
Funded as part of the programme Progress - Mutual learning in the field of skills and employment, EU sector skills Councils and restructuring.
A comparative study of guidance services and the new skills required by counsellors.
Meetings with partners and online meetings.
Debates/workshops with experts.
Informative seminars in different European cities.
Digital and paper informative material.
Project in collaboration with

|United Kingdom
- You want to train workers in new professional roles;
- You want to grow the skills of counsellors and workers on the labour market;
- You want to help young people choose their career;
- You want to help businesses seek out new professional figures.