
Fulbright Programme – English Teaching Assistant

What is E.T.A.?

E.T.A. stands for English Teaching Assistant, a Fulbright programme which gives young US graduates the chance to spend nine months in Italy as assistants, teaching the English language and American culture alongside English teachers in secondary schools in Sardinia.

Total budget

Phase 2021 - 2022

€ 129,870.00

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  • Increase opportunities for international cooperation between Sardinia and the United States through cooperation between ASPAL and the Fulbright Commission;
  • Improve the quality of language training in secondary schools in Sardinia;
  • Raise the level of employability of young Sardinians involved in the programme.

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Regional funding. Agreements in accordance with art. 15 of Italian Law no. 241 of 7 August 1990 and subsequent amendments and additions, - objective: enhance the competitiveness of the education system in Sardinia and help grow the skills of young Sardinians and their employability.


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  • 9 scholarships awarded
  • Activities ongoing in schools.

Project in collaboration with


COMMISSIONE FULBRIGHT - Commissione per gli Scambi Culturali tra l’Italia e gli Stati Uniti d’America

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project status
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Active since



United States

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You may be interested in this project if
  • You want to teach others about the culture of your country;
  • You want to teach in secondary schools;
  • You want to learn about and experience different cultures.

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