The Eurodesk experiment at five employment offices
What is Eurodesk?
The Eurodesk Network was set up to provide a service for young people in the European Union and its mission is to give information and guidance on culture, international mobility, work and volunteering.
How does the Aspal Eurodesk work?
The Aspal Eurodesk is open to future Eurodesk workers at employment offices and the experiment will be extended to five Eurodesk Centres in Cagliari, Quartu Sant’Elena, Oristano, Lanusei and Olbia. The objective is to raise awareness of cross-border mobility among young people. The aim of the project is to foster greater collaboration between Sardinia and the other European support networks and assist in the planning and management of events, seminars, campaigns and promotional initiatives about opportunities within Europe.
€ 87.840,00
- Provide information about programmes and opportunities for young people promoted by EU institutions;
- Give initial and ongoing training about EU youth programmes and opportunities to at least 15 Aspal workers and teach them the skills and instruments they will need to advise on cross-border mobility;
- Develop, provide and update instruments for workers to share information, promotion, orientation and planning about European programmes of interest to young people;
- Provide training and consulting on European project management in the sector to Aspal workers at 5 employment offices;
- Disseminate information about activities and opportunities for young people;
- Monitor the information and orientation activities carried out;
- Provide promotional material for users.
- Identify 12 representatives of local Eurodesk information points at employment offices (expression of interest);
- Carry out initial training of the 12 representatives of local Eurodesk information points at the employment offices (online);
- Inaugurate the local Eurodesk information points at the five employment offices in Sardinia selected for the experiment (online);
- Provide ongoing training to the 12 representatives of the local Eurodesk information points at the employment offices (online/in person);
- Time To Move campaign (online/in person);
- Orientation and empowerment about EURES-TMS 21-23 (online/in person);
- Help desk to support the information given by the Eurodesk representative/employment centre;
- Provide training for the 12 workers in European project management.
Financial coverage from the resources of the Regional Operational Programme of the POR SARDEGNA FSE 2014-2020 - Axis I Employment, investment priority 8 VII - Ob. Spec. 8.7 Improve the efficacy and quality of employment services. Line of action of the partnership agreement 8.7.2: integration and consolidation of the EURES network within employment services and full actions for cross-border mobility, assigned to ASPAL with Resolution G.R. no. 52/8 of 22.11.2017.
- Inauguration of local Eurodesk information points at the five employment centres selected for the experiment;
- 12 representatives chosen for the local Eurodesk information points at the employment centres;
- Initial training of the 12 Eurodesk representatives at the employment centres;
- Ongoing training of the 12 Eurodesk representatives at the employment centres;
- Help desk set up to support the work of the Eurodesk representatives chosen.
Project in collaboration with

- You want to become a Eurodesk representative in Sardinia;
- You want to assist young people with cross-border mobility;
- You want to develop and provide tools to promote activities of interest in Europe.