Implementing Employment Service

What is IES?

IES, which stands for Implementing Employment Service, is a project organised by the Public Employment Services to foster meetings, relations and experiences between stakeholders in the different countries to improve the quality of employment policies in the individual regions.

Total budget

€ 1.881.590,85

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  • Strengthen the international network of members of Public Employment Services (PES);

  • Define methods to improve the efficiency of PES;

  • Provide examples of good practices to PES, policy makers and local and regional stakeholders;

  • Encourage inclusion of disadvantaged groups in the labour market.

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Main project activities:

  • Transfer of good practices pertaining to government, orientation, meeting supply and demand, inclusion of disadvantaged groups in the labour market and promotion of self-employment;

  • Communication and dissemination of information through a website; newsletters sent to interested parties;

  • Opportunities to exchange experiences at seminars, workshops and thematic meetings with results made public;

  • Raise awareness of local and regional stakeholders involved in the orientation or management of public employment services.

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Interreg IV C Programme 2003-2007  - European Territorial Cooperation Programme ERDF.




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  • PES personnel have grown their knowledge, thanks also to study visits and staff exchanges;

  • Policy makers and local and regional stakeholders are now more informed.

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The IES project was an opportunity to test the sharing of experiences and the transfer of good practices aimed at improving the equality of employment services. In this sense, the initiatives in the different countries involved in the project looked in greater detail at how some employment services were managed and this helped improve some aspects of the public employment service.

Project in collaboration with

Project Leader

ASPAL - Agenzia Sarda per le Politiche Attive del Lavoro

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Fh Joanneum University of Applied Sciences (Austria)

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IAB - Regional Direction Bavaria of the Federal Agency for Labour (Germania)

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University Enterprise Training Partnership of the Region of Murcia (Spagna)

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La Rioja – Servicio Riodano de Empleo (Spagna)

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Regional Development Center (Slovenia)

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project status
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Active since














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You may be interested in this project if
  • You want to improve the efficiency of PES;
  • You want to foster inclusion in the labour market;
  • You want to strengthen the PES network.

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